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Vegetable Bake with Cauliflower Cheese Sauce
Hope everyone is very well. I am buzzing with happiness after this last month of facilitating modules 2 to 5 of the Vegan Chef Training, as well as a few private days of teaching cooking and nutrition and now this last weekend the June 3 Day Foundation Cooking Course. This was a wonderful three days with five fabulous participants. We had a full house (5 is my maximum) and a lot of incredible food was made.
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Ukrainian Cabbage Rolls
What’s your relationship with cabbage? Do you love it or loathe it? I love it, I love a great coleslaw and I eat cabbage in the form of home made sauerkraut twice a day. When it comes to cooking it though I shy away from it a little bit but due to its immense health benefits I have been adding it a lot more into my diet. I have noticed that if I eat raw red cabbage I digest it really well but if I cook it I get digestive issues. If I cook white cabbage all is well. This will not be the case for everyone, it is a personal thing.
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Vegan Lamingtons
Last minute spot has come up in this week’s Vegan Foundation Course. Who is ready for some spontaneity and wants to take the jump and join in this 3 days of wonderful cooking? You will take home not only incredible food but more than 60 recipes, a cook book and a big manual full of really good information, along with loads and loads of tips and tricks to make life in the kitchen a whole lot of fun.
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Royal Bubble and Squeak
My apologies to those who love receiving my newsletter on a weekly basis. Since the floods in our area I lost the momentum to write weekly but I am back with renewed enthusiasm and some great recipes to share with you. After two of my courses being cancelled due to floods we were able to go ahead last week and what a fabulous 3 days were shared with 5 wonderful people. We had a full house. Five is the max and we made delicious foods. Hope you enjoy the photos.
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Hope you are all well and not affected by the flood damage in NSW and Queensland. If you are please reach out. While I personally am not affected by the floods I do live in a town and area that is presently in devastation. It has been incredible how much support has been offered from people locally and all over the country. I have been out helping and have taken a few days off so as to attend to our own minor damage to garden and cleaning of the outside areas.
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salad nicoise
A fabulous two weeks just passed and I totally got too busy to do a recipe last week, apologies. I was busy facilitating a fabulous Vegan Foundation Course, a Tailored 1 day class with a lovely mother and daughter and started two more VIP Nutrition Packages with some very important people indeed. I have made up for my tardiness though of missing a week by including some very valuable information on potatoes and their nutrients and how to cook them. Investing eight hours to do this blog this week rather than the usual four.
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Gluten Free Bread
Last week I ran the very first three day Vegan Foundation Cooking Course in my new kitchen. I had 5 delightful participants and we created some incredible food and they all got to go home with recipes and a load of tips and tricks that they will be able to implement for years to come. This week on Thursday I begin the next 3 day course. I still have place in all courses in March, April and June. Dates for the rest of the year will be out in the next few weeks.
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