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I was on a mission to perfect the filing for sausage rolls. My research involved buying many different vegan sausage rolls. I also looked at many different recipes and think I made 8 lots of sausage rolls before I perfected the recipe. This recipe is the result of much delicious research and I not so humbly confess that you won’t find a better vegan sausage roll filling than this.
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Ukrainian Cabbage Rolls
What’s your relationship with cabbage? Do you love it or loathe it? I love it, I love a great coleslaw and I eat cabbage in the form of home made sauerkraut twice a day. When it comes to cooking it though I shy away from it a little bit but due to its immense health benefits I have been adding it a lot more into my diet. I have noticed that if I eat raw red cabbage I digest it really well but if I cook it I get digestive issues. If I cook white cabbage all is well. This will not be the case for everyone, it is a personal thing.
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I have just finished facilitating the third day of the raw cuisine module of the vegan chef training. This also is a stand alone module so once people have finished the foundation course they are welcome to come and attend the raw cuisine course too and what a treat you will be in for. We have made sensational food over the last three days with another day to go. One of the extension recipes is so good and it definitely has been a while between drinks (or should I say between raw treats), that’s for sure. I wasn’t able to teach this module last year so I haven’t made this treat for 19 months and I can’t believe I had forgotten how deadly (that means ‘awesome’ in the NT where I grew up) it really is. It’s so good that I feel the world needs to have access to the recipe.
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Pad Thai
What recipe would you like to nail once and for all. Here’s mine. It feels good! Pad Thai What recipe do you hope to nail? What recipe do you keep trying but it isn’t completely right? Pad Thai was my one recipe I needed to nail and recently did it. Congrats are in order. In the past I had made Pad Thai but it never quite made the bar that I was comparing it to until last week.
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Cannelloni with Tofu Ricotta and Pumpkin Spinach
This week is book review week in my scheduled blogs and I have decided to review my own Cook Book Veet’s Cuisine Delicious Vegan Recipes. Yes I love my own cookbook, cooking many of the recipes on the retreats that I catered on over the last ten years. The recipes are simple, all gluten free, all vegan and all delicious. There are over 150 recipes including how to make cashew cheese and sour cream. Also Indian feast recipes, four types of lasagnes, a Balinese feast, many other main dishes, soups, salads, dressings, desserts, drinks, vegetable dishes and a dedicated grain section. As well as a pantry list and a protein guide.
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