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Loaded Sweet Potato
In last week’s Newsletter I addressed lowering high blood pressure and along with a whole range of suggestions including lowering your sodium intake I mentioned increasing foods high in potassium. So this week’s recipe is a potassium rich meal idea. It’s delicious. I enjoyed making it and loved even more eating it. I did add salt as I have low blood pressure and my partner who lowered his blood pressure significantly following the guidelines I shared last week is now fine to have salt in moderation too.
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Mexican Millet Chilli with Avocado and Cucumber Salsa
Hope you are all well and enjoying plenty of time getting creative in the kitchen. Filming the online cooking course that I am launching soon has got me all inspired to get back doing Facebook lives (and soon to be Instagram lives). At the moment I am doing daily cooking tips at 2.10 pm (NSW Aussie time). If that time is weird for you depending on where you are and if you are working or off social media at that time I will still post the videos over at Vegan Recipes and Meal Ideas.
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