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Mongolian Tofu and Mushrooms
The mighty mushroom is a definite must add food to any diet and especially into a vegan diet as mushrooms really are packed with a whole lot of goodness. Mushrooms contain a rich source of essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids that help reduce serum cholesterol. Mushrooms also boast a whole load of antioxidants which can protect the body from cardiovascular disease, they are low in sodium and contain the B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and folate which are all necessary in energy production, supporting metabolism and lowering LDL cholesterol. In addition mushrooms are a great source of fibre and tocopherols (vitamin E), which helps with skin, heart and eye health and lowers the risk of cancer. Lectins found in mushrooms are also known to have anti tumor activities.
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Sushi Sandwich
Who grew up with iodized salt on their table? Did you know what iodized meant or were you just used to reading the word every time you saw it in its white and orange plastic tub. It seemed to be the standard salt everyone had in their homes growing up in the 70’s and 80’s. It was branded as the important thing to have to stay healthy and then it seemed to disappear. It is still sold in supermarkets and is occasionally spotted on someone’s dinning room table or on top of the cooker range.
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Three Sprinkles
I am so happy to be back with a recipe for you this week. Last week I sent out a newsletter asking for contributions for weekly recipes and lo and behold, within an hour of the newsletter going out I received a considerable donation via paypal from my very generous parents. I had forgotten they read my weekly blog. So this recipe and the next five will be brought to you via their generosity. I feel so grateful as sharing a recipe each week brings me loads of joy. Thank you Mum and Dad.
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Carrot Lox
For those of you who follow me on social media you will know I have been struggling along with Plantar Fasciitis. Who else has this? Well only two weeks after I put up the post I am happy to report it is pretty much almost gone. I can feel slight twinges of it now and again so will not let my guard down. After being super diligent to add enough foods containing phytoestrogens into my daily diet I am happy to say it’s on the mend. I will keep on adding these foods forever and be diligent about it as they also sport so many other health benefits.
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Vegan Tuna Pasta
Wow, that week went fast. How are you all? Would love to hear from you. Please do feel free to write. Last week I had more time on my hands than normal as a few of my cooking and nutrition sessions got postponed due to COVID restrictions. This gave me the opportunity to develop some really delicious recipes and the one I bring you this week is one of them.
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Hearty Tomato Stew with Grilled Zucchini
It’s cold and rainy right now as I write this newsletter so have decided to share a delicious stew recipe with you all. If it is warm where you are this is still a very good recipe to make. In winter serve it with black rice and in summer either basmati rice or quinoa. I developed this recipe for someone who came along for an individual session who wanted low FODMAP recipes so within this recipe are a few options for the low FODMAP diet.
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