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Loaded Sweet Potato

Loaded Sweet Potato

Tempeh Loaded Sweet Potato with Tomato and Avocado Salsa

In last week’s Newsletter I addressed lowering high blood pressure and along with a whole range of suggestions including lowering your sodium intake I mentioned increasing foods high in potassium. So this week’s recipe is a potassium rich meal idea. It’s delicious; I enjoyed making it and loved even more eating it. I did add salt as I have low blood pressure and my partner who lowered his blood pressure significantly following the guidelines I shared last week is now fine to have salt in moderation too.
To increase potassium in your regular meals ensure you add foods from the potassium rich list every time you eat. 
Here is the list for those who missed the newsletter and if you didn’t receive the newsletter on high blood pressure please let me know and I will send it to you.

Foods high in potassium:

Soy beans/tempeh
Adzuki beans
Kidney beans
Brazil nuts
Flax seeds
Sweet potatoes
Dried apricots and figs
Spinach and leafy greens


Tempeh Loaded Sweet Potato with Tomato and Avocado Salsa

If you don’t like tempeh you can use tofu and if you don’t like tofu you can use lentils or kidney beans instead, be sure though to add more tahini sauce and crush up 3 brazil nuts to get enough complete protein. If you would like more information on complete protein on a vegan diet, book in for a Nutrition Consult.
An additional note is if you have high blood pressure omit the salt, there is enough sodium in the other ingredients to keep your electrolyte balance and you want to reduce your sodium intake to try to get your blood pressure down.
4 medium sweet potatoes 
1 block of soy tempeh 
8- 10  kale leaves or silverbeet leaves or other leafy greens  finely shredded
pepper to taste (for those with high blood pressure omit the salt or just add a few sprinklings 
4 cloves garlic minced
1 small onion finely diced 
2 splash of olive oil 
For the salsa 
2 spring onions chopped finely (scallions) 
2 medium tomatoes diced fine (or equivalent in cherry tomatoes)
1 cup coriander or other herbs
1 avocado diced fine
1 tbsp lemon juice 
1 chilli finely chopped(optional)
salt for those with low or regular blood pressure and pepper to taste 
For tahini sauce 
¼ cup tahini 
up to ¼ cup water
lemon juice to taste 
salt and pepper to taste (optional) 
# If you make this recipe please share on facebook or instagram to #veetsvegancookingschool