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Eggplant Zorba
Ok what is the story with eggplants. Many are declaring they can’t eat eggplants these days as they are nightshades. People with autoimmune disease or arthritis are being advised that the alkaloids in nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, tamarillos, capsicums, potatoes) may be harmful. However at this stage there is no research to indicate this. Some people cut them out and have a noticeable difference and others don’t. For those people who don’t have autoimmune diseases, eggplants and other nightshades boast a whole range of essential nutrients and wonderful health benefits.
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Lasagne in a Bowl
Moringa is rich in calcium as well as boasting a large range of health benefits. It is definitely something to add into ones diet. I first came across moringa in the Himalayas. The women in the high altitude mountain ranges were feeding it to their toddlers, ensuring their babes got enough calcium.
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Corn Ribs
Can you believe it is almost Christmas 2021. I can’t. If you are still looking for Christmas presents remember I have a range of experience gifts - a one on one cooking class, a 3 day cooking course, a VIP nutrition and cooking package, a miso and tofu cooking class, an aranchini and gluten free ravioli class. All classes can be online or in person. All details are below the recipe.
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Spaghetti Salad with Artichokes and Green Veg
Resistance starch has had lots of attention of late and rightly so. Resistance starch is starch from food that does not get digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract (small intestine) it skips digestion and makes its way to the large intestine where it is broken down by resistant bacteria and then fermented providing good bacteria for the gut micro biome. A good micro biome boosts our immune system and prevents us from catching diseases including cancer and also protects us from getting type 2 diabetes.
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Pickled Green Beans
What an exciting time it has been, buying our first home together. As regular readers know that was a big journey in itself and then the move was BIG especially after nine years in one rental house. I love our new home and can’t wait to start courses and individual sessions in my new kitchen. It is a fabulous space which I look forward to sharing with you all either in person or online.
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Rocky Road
Cooking tip 102 making your own chocolate is one of those things you will wish you had always been doing. Making your own chocolate is much better than buying it. Three reasons why: it’s cheaper, you can regulate what you put in it and it is always available in the fridge or freezer, you don’t have to make a trip to the shop when you feel like a piece of chocolate.
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Sleepy Time Salad with Fetta Sauce
What sort of sleep do you get? Do you sleep right through the night without waking up, or do you have broken sleep, or do you suffer from insomnia? If you struggle with sleep (like I do) you may be happy to know that what we eat in the evening meal can have an impact on our sleep. There has been extensive research done on food for sleep. So this week I share with you some of the things I have been finding out.
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Zinc Rich Ramen Soup
Do you know if you are you getting enough zinc in your diet? Our bodies are dependent on the mineral zinc for body growth and development and zinc is especially important for the nervous and reproductive systems and of course the immune system. The body does not store a pool of zinc so it is essential that we have a daily intake of zinc. As many are worried about borders opening up in Australia and the possibility of catching any viruses going around it is important to stay diligent with ensuring you are absorbing enough zinc each day.
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