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Spaghetti Salad with Artichokes and Green Veg
Resistance starch has had lots of attention of late and rightly so. Resistance starch is starch from food that does not get digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract (small intestine) it skips digestion and makes its way to the large intestine where it is broken down by resistant bacteria and then fermented providing good bacteria for the gut micro biome. A good micro biome boosts our immune system and prevents us from catching diseases including cancer and also protects us from getting type 2 diabetes.
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Vegan Tuna Pasta
Wow, that week went fast. How are you all? Would love to hear from you. Please do feel free to write. Last week I had more time on my hands than normal as a few of my cooking and nutrition sessions got postponed due to COVID restrictions. This gave me the opportunity to develop some really delicious recipes and the one I bring you this week is one of them.
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Mac Cheese
It’s kids recipe week and I am excited to tell you we have a guest blogger this week. Paula from Eat Cook Love who is half way through the Vegan Chef Training. One of our trainees in waiting has developed a scrumptious recipe that you children may love. The recipe does contain nuts so for any of you with nut allergies this recipe can easily be adapted. Instead of the cashews use sunflower seeds instead and if you don’t like sunflower seeds then use one cup of cooked potatoes and 1 cup of cooked cauliflower instead. All recipes in this blog are versatile to suit your dietary needs. So its over to Paula now.
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Gluten Free Gnocchi
This is week four of my new schedule where I post a recipe request or a recipe someone in the vegan cooking courses has developed. A couple of Vegan Foundation Cooking Courses ago the lovely Jayne and Wendy made a delicious sweet potato gnocchi and I promised them I would develop a good gluten free gnocchi recipe to share with them when I got a spare moment.
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