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Tofu Larb with Herb and Noodle Salad
It’s hard to believe that it will be five years this August that the first chefs graduated from the vegan chef training here in the Byron Shire. There were seven people graduate that year, all who have gone on to do wonderful things. Ebony was the youngest that graduated and she went on to become head chef of a café in Wollongong. Ebony attended the course as it was her dream to open her own café one day in her hometown of Dwellingup in Western Australia. In the middle of the Covid Lockdown she did just that. She set up a food stall in the garden of the Art Gallery in Dwellingup.
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Mexican Fiesta
I had this idea that I would start this week’s blog with some healthy tips but hey who wants healthy at this time of the year. I’ll save that for the New Year. What I would like to say though is if you keep it vegan and keep it organic you really can’t go wrong. It’s non traditional fare I will share with my friends this Christmas and these are the recipes I bring to you this year. I’m making Mexican.
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Tortilla Pizza
It’s children’s recipe week this week and this is a good one to make with the whole family. Put aside 1½ hours so that you can make it with ease and fun. Put on some fun music and get into the swing of cooking as a family. Go to my facebook page to see the video I did on how to make the tortilla. If you don’t have a tortilla press you can roll out the flour with a rolling pin (dusted with corn flour) and cut out round shapes with a wide glass or biscuit cutter.
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Hello everyone, how has your week been? I am in the middle of three days off. These being very special days off for me as I have worked pretty solidly for the last seven weeks with only one full day off and even on that day I attended a workshop and then worked in the evening. It’s been a thoroughly rewarding time. In that time I cooked on two week-long retreats, cooked on a four day workshop and a one day workshop, ran three vegan foundation cooking courses, did a demo at a local food festival and facilitated modules two to five of the Vegan Chef Training. It was epic and I loved it all. I loved especially the facilitation and helping so many people create really delicious well-balanced food.
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Pecan Pesto
Almost a year ago I got a phone call an hour before day one of the Vegan Foundation Cooking Course was due to start from a woman named Lisa wondering if there was a space left in the course that day. I had never had such a late booking before. I said “yes if you can get the application form filled out, sent back to me and be here in an hour then the spare place is yours.”
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