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Chaat Masala Nuts

Chaat Masala Nuts

Chaat Masala Nuts

We had friends who we love dearly come and stay a few weeks ago and amongst a whole array of goodies they brought with them was a bottle of champagne to share. I had prepared an Indian dinner but not thought much about what to nibble on before dinner.

So I created these delicious nuts on the spot. They are fabulously moreish so come with a danger warning.

You do need to limit yourself to only a handful at a time otherwise they won’t be so healthy if you pig out on them.

The nuts I chose to include all happen to be fabulous for menopause so this is a great snack to include from time to time. You can try making them without the maple syrup and just have a savoury snack which would make them even more healthy.

Pistachios and peanuts are brilliant for assisting the body to make collagen so very good for slowing down the decrease in bone loss which lessens the risk of osteoporosis.

Walnuts are great for Omega 3 and decreasing brain fog during menopause.

Almonds contain potassium which helps with sleep. Almonds also contain Melatonin as do peanuts and pistachios which assist in helping control your sleep patterns.

Pecans are a good source of calcium and potassium which are both good for menopause and also potassium is good for reducing high blood pressure.

In addition, if you use sumac in the Chaat Masala mix then sumac helps with regulating blood sugar levels and acts as an anti-inflammatory.

For more information on foods and what to cook for menopause check out my page and menopause course

Chaat Masala Nuts

2 cups of nuts, a mix of walnuts, pecans, peanuts, almonds and pistachios
1 tbsp olive oil 
⅓ cup maple syrup 
2 to 3 tbsp Chaat Masala (email me for the recipe)


# If you make this recipe please share on facebook or instagram to #veetsvegancookingschool