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Salads for Both Hemispheres

Salads for Both Hemispheres

Pumpkin, Tempeh, Olive and Quinoa Salad and Roast Cauliflower, Peas and Hazelnut Pasta Salad

If you can’t wait to find out the big news at Veet’s Vegan Cooking School skip the recipe and go to the message at the end of the newsletter. If you can wait then you are in for a treat with these two delicious salads that can be eaten in both hemispheres, as they are equally delicious hot or cold.
These salads are packed with nutrients that all our bodies need. Each and every vegetable has its own nutrient profile which as a whole make your diet pretty varied. For example hazelnuts are packed with Vitamin E, Magnesium and Thiamine. Thiamine is great for brain, heart and nerve health. Then take the tiny sage leaves, packed with calcium for healthy bones. 
Enjoy these salads knowing your health is being taken care of.
Both salads serve 4 so if you are solo you could make the salad up for dinner and then the next two lunches to take to work and even treat a colleague to a portion.


Pumpkin, Tempeh, Olive and Quinoa Salad with Crispy Sage

½ cup cooked quinoa (¼ cup dry)
½ medium pumpkin cut into 3cm cubes with skin on or off
1 block tempeh diced
3 cloves garlic chopped in quarters
12 or so sage leaves
¼ to ½ cup olives (any you like)
Olive oil – a splash 
Salt and pepper to taste
Big handful rocket


Place the pumpkin, olives, garlic and oil in a baking tray and bake for 25 minutes.
Add the tempeh and sage and bake for a further 25 minutes or until pumpkin is cooked through.
Mix in the cooked quinoa, season with salt and pepper and serve with the rocket.


Roast Cauliflower, Peas and Hazelnut Pasta Salad

2 cups gluten free pasta penne
1 medium cauliflower cut into florets
Pinch turmeric 
2 pinches salt 
1 cup peas
80g hazelnuts 
2 to 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
¼ cup chopped parsley 
Salt and pepper to taste 
2 to 3 tbsp olive oil plus a splash 
sprouts for garnish


Place the cauliflower with a splash of oil, 2 pinches of salt and a pinch of turmeric in a baking tray. Put in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes or until the cauliflower is cooked through and a little crispy on some of the edges.
Cook the pasta as instructed on the packet, throw the peas in with the pasta.
Mix the cauliflower, peas, pasta, parsley, balsamic vinegar and olive oil in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with the sprouts.
# If you make this recipe please share on facebook or instagram to #veetsvegancookingschool

Big News

Big News at Veet’s Vegan Cooking School. Last week I decided to cancel all of the three day vegan cooking courses for 2020. It has been a tumultuous ride with people booking in and then having to cancel due to border closures etc. As a consequence I think putting a hold on 2020 is for the best.
However I am EXCITED to announce that there are great things to come at Veet’s Vegan Cooking School. 

Private Cooking Classes 

Book into a private cooking class, come on your own, with a beloved, with a family member or with some friends.

Three Day Vegan Cooking Courses

The three day cooking classes will recommence in 2021, I can’t wait.

Vegan Chef Training

The Vegan Chef Training will go ahead in April to June 2021.
The hall and guest facilitators are booked and we are going ahead. There are presently only 4 places left for the full Vegan Chef Training. This training is for professional and home use.
And wait for it .....

Online Course

In mid November there will be an online course called:
'Cooking at Home With Veet'
Have a great week everyone
With love and gratitude Veet