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Lasagne / Lasagna


Everyone loves a good lasagne recipe to turn to. I have four brilliant lasagne recipes in Veet's Cuisine - Delicious Vegan Recipes including the now famous Artichoke and Pea (many people are cooking this in their cafes and catering businesses).
And now I am adding a 5th lasagne to the table. Mak loves a lasagne with lots of lasagne sheets and the recipes I have in my book I only have 3 layers of lasagne sheets (you could definitely add two more layers though). 
This Lasagne recipe I share with you today is a more traditional lasagne and to Mak’s delight has 5 layers of lasagne. It is a great way to hide veggies especially cauliflower as some people really don’t like it and you can’t taste it in this recipe.
It freezes super well. If you plan to freeze it layer it in smaller baking dishes or Pyrex containers and cook for 10 minutes less than the lasagne packet instructions suggest. This way the lasagne sheets won’t be overcooked when you reheat.
This is comfort food at its best.  Please share this recipe with everyone you know by passing on this link.



Serves 8 with a salad

For the sauce
1.2 kg tomatoes (diced finely or you can use 3 cans of tomatoes)
4 cloves garlic minced
3 onions diced 
Splash or two of olive oil 
2 tbsp chopped oregano (or 2 tsp dried oregano)
Salt and pepper
Chilli cut fine (optional)
Handful basil leaves chopped 
Handful of spinach 
200g cooked lentils (red, brown or green)
Lasagne Sheets
gluten free or wheat
Pumpkin layer 
1kg pumpkin (weighed with skin on) then cut skin off and slice 
2 tbsp olive oil
1 small cauliflower steamed until soft 
2/3 cup soaked sunflower seeds 
Salt and pepper to taste 
½ to 1 cup soy milk
½ cup nutritional yeast 
2 tbsp lemon juice 
2 cloves garlic
Pepita sprinkle 
½ cup pepitas toasted (in a frying pan with no oil until they pop and brown)
¼ cup nutritional yeast
½ tsp garlic powder 
½ tsp salt 
2- 3 tomatoes sliced or cherry tomatoes
10 basil leaves


# If you make this recipe please share on facebook or instagram to #veetsvegancookingschool