Why Mushrooms are so Damn Good for You
The mighty mushroom is a definite must add food to any diet and especially into a vegan diet as mushrooms really are packed with a whole lot of goodness. Mushrooms contain a rich source of essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids that help reduce serum cholesterol. Mushrooms also boast a whole load of antioxidants which can protect the body from cardiovascular disease, they are low in sodium and contain the B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and folate which are all necessary in energy production, supporting metabolism and lowering LDL cholesterol. In addition mushrooms are a great source of fibre and tocopherols (vitamin E), which helps with skin, heart and eye health and lowers the risk of cancer. Lectins found in mushrooms are also known to have anti tumor activities.1
How is that for a massive nutrient dense profile? Knowing all of that why wouldn’t you include mushrooms into your diet?
And if you are still not convinced, there are some pretty awesome studies suggesting that we can get Vitamin D from mushrooms if they are exposed to UV light and Sunlight.2,3
Recent research including Nutrition Research Australia’s study suggests that when mushrooms are exposed to UV lights or put out in the sun they can absorb vitamin D and make it readily available for the body to convert to the active form of vitamin D (D2).
Even though some of the Vitamin D can be lost in cooking and storage, 10 μg/100 g of mushrooms still remains if eaten on the day or next day of exposure. This means you can easily just stick your mushrooms out in the sun for 10 minutes before cooking. ²,³ For those of you who don’t know we need a steady supply of vitamin D (between 5 and 15 μg per day depending on your age).
So with all that in mind here is a fabulously delicious recipe adapted from one of Megan Saad’s recipe. 4

1. Chatterjee S, Sarma M, Deb U, Steinhauser G, Walther C, Gupta D. Mushrooms: from nutrition to mycoremediation. Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 2017;24(24):19480-19493. doi:10.1007/s11356-017-9826-3
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30322118/
3. https://nraus.com/mushroomhub/
4. http://www.carrotsandflowers.com/
Mongolian Tofu and Mushrooms
400g mushrooms sliced
2 onions cut in half then sliced
1 bunch bok choy roughly chopped
1 block tofu (375g)
2 tbsp avocado or sunflower oil
2 tbsp tamari
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp white or black pepper ground
1 to 2 cups water
1 tbsp rice flour
2 to 3 tbsp tamari
4 tsp rice vinegar
½ tsp liquid smoke or smoked paprika
Cut the tofu into strips 1 cm wide and about 3 cm long. Place in a baking dish with a splash of oil salt and pepper and bake for 20 minutes.
Make the marinade and coat the mushrooms in it.
In a wok add the oil and cook the onion for a few minutes then add the mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes. Next add the bok choy, tamari, pepper, water and apple cider vinegar and cook until the bok choy is wilted. Mix in the tofu and serve with cooked rice.
# If you make this recipe please share on facebook or instagram to #veetsvegancookingschool
Upcoming Face to Face Courses
Massive apologies to those who last week tried to contact me in regards to booking in a face to face cooking class. The email kept bouncing. We promise this week it won’t. If you were interested in the Tofu and Miso making class or the aranchini and gluten free ravioli class please email me again and I will get you booked in. If you are not local I can offer you the aranchini and gluten free ravioli class online as an individual class at the time of your choice. So please email me at info@veets.com.au to arrange that.
Cooking and Nutrition Classes
Don’t forget I am offering one on one cooking and nutrition classes. A few people lately have been asking for menu plans and that is something that can be done during these sessions. We would work together to create an individualized menu plan to suit your needs and I will provide you with the recipes.
Tofu & Miso Class
Next Class 31st of October 2021
Duration 4.5hrs
Cost $320
Learn how to make Tofu and Miso from scratch. It’s a hands on class where you get to take home what you make. You also get morning tea and a tote bag full of goodies. A workshop not to be missed.
Arancini & Gluten Free Ravioli
Next Class Saturday 9th October 2021
Duration 10am to 1pm (3hrs)
Cost $190
Come along for a fun filled 3 hours learning how to make Vegan Aranchini with a Tomato Sauce and Pesto, and Vegan Gluten Free Ravioli from scratch with 3 fillings.
Food Analysis/Nutrition
Online Consultation
Duration Food Analysis Plus 30mins online
Cost $195
This includes a consultation to see what macro and micro nutrients you are consuming with your daily food intake and what foods you need to include in your diet to ensure you are meeting the recommended daily intake.
Cooking & Nutrition Class
Online | In-Person
Duration 1hr
Cost $195
These sessions are completely tailored to your needs. Whether you are new to nutrition and vegan cooking or already have some experience, Veet can work with your level of knowledge and interests.